Our Events
What We’ve done
Gatherings Held at the Intersection of Joy, Innovation, Community & Trust
The Tech We Want’s events serve as crucial tools for building trust, fostering connections, and driving collective action.
Our diverse range of gatherings brings together diverse stakeholders to engage in shared experiences that spark innovative ideas, amplify the work of responsible tech
leaders, and expand networks. These events create fertile ground for collaboration, supporting movements and organizations dedicated to a more equitable tech landscape.

We Get Together to Move Together
By focusing on collective sensemaking, TTWW events provide a platform for participants to explore how technology can balance people, purpose, and profit, moving the industry toward a more inclusive future.
What We’ve done
Our Events

The Light House
Set in Austin, Texas every March, alongside one of the largest tech conferences in the world, we’ve built a beacon for leaders often found at the margins of the industry, intended to showcase the brilliance of our partners, and connect and cross-pollinate tech leaders imagining alternatives for the tech industry to embrace.

The Community Dinner Series
Our Community Dinners are smaller, intimate gatherings of changemakers, connectors, founders, and funders to explore, sensemake, seed future collaborations and cross pollinate our work across the country. What better way to listen than with our mouths full? Learn more about where we’ve been.