Projects // A People’s History of Technology
A People’s History of Technology
“From emojis to memes, we connect and make meaning with tech.”
Incubated by The Tech We Want, A People’s History of Tech is a collective storytelling project. Rather than focus on lone genius inventors or technological innovations, this living archive centers the embodied stories of the human experience of technology. We begin with the technology that has arguably changed our daily lives the most: the supercomputer we carry around in our pockets, the mobile phone. We believe that reflecting on our place in a more inclusive history of tech reminds us of our agency in imagining the tech we want in the future.


We believe that if we collaborate on building a more just and representative history of technology, then we can architect a more just, shared future.

Why Build APHOT?
A People’s History of Tech was incubated by The Tech We Want as a tool for collective sensemaking, and to practice collective decision-making among the Luminary cohort.

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